About Michael Michelini
Michael Michelini, Senior consultant, An American social media & E-Commerce & SEO specialist being China since late 2007 from Wall Street, he is a“Business Connector”. He is passionate to help companies do business in China, and help Chinese companies to do the oversea market. He carved out GlobalFromAsia.com, in 2013.
Michael Michelini
Founder & Host
Global From Asia

Mike Michelini, founder and host of the Global From Asia podcast and senior consultant for internet marketing, is an expert in cross border e-commerce. He specializes in SEO (search engine optimization), brand marketing and planning, creative content creation and internet and social media marketing. He graduated from the Stevens Institute of Technology in the United States with a bachelor’s degree in engineering management and a master’s degree in technology management.
He has over 18 years of experience in cross border e-commerce being one in the first group of big sellers in the industry. He began his e-commerce business in the year 2003 selling bar supplies on eBay while working at Deutsche Bank of Germany in Wall Street in the United States. To address the problem of supply, he came to China in the year 2007 and founded Shadstone Import and Export company (shadstone.com) and has led many Chinese to learn and become Amazon and eBay sellers. To this day, some big sellers in China have remained his partners and friends.
He has committed himself to connecting cross border e-commerce and global trade business, establishing channels and bridging between China and foreign countries – helping foreign enterprises do business in China and helping Chinese enterprises expand their businesses overseas.
As a generalist, he further scaled his knowledge not only in cross border e-commerce but also in independent station operation and SEO (search engine optimization). Adding to his many roles as a creator, he has authored several books, articles, blogs, video blogs – all that placed him among the new media experts.
Many people call him the cross border business connector for having solid contacts and influence within the cross border e-commerce industry in Europe and America. This is strengthened by his almost two decades of cross border e-commerce experience and his status as a well-known anchor and host.
In the year 2013, he founded globalfromasia.com or GFA, a community of global cross border e-commerce business owners and students engaged in cross border business. This community provides a platform for mutual learning, social communication and transnational cooperation to help their global businesses. In order to better serve seller members, GFA also launched the GFA podcast in the same year. In the show, we interview business owners or business experts doing transnational and global business, every week. What is being shared in the show are their business experiences and entrepreneurial stories from different angles and levels.
In 2016, for taking the community further, he began to organize and hold the Cross Border Summit (crossbordersummit.com), an international cross border e-commerce summit and Cross Border Matchmaker (crossbordermatchmaker.com), an international cross border e-commerce supply and demand matching. These big events are complemented by various private consultations, business delegations, training courses and other activities. The participants are big sellers and service providers from all over the world, which not only provides global sellers with an opportunity to learn from each other, but also promotes Sino-foreign transnational cooperation.

Grew up in NorthEast USA (CT, NJ, NYC)
3rd generation American born
Grandparents from Italy, Russia, France, Canada

Global From Asia is Our Authority Blog
Bridge between International & China
e-commerce companies
First website in 1999
Selling online since 2003

Moved to China end of 2007

Currently Based in Thailand since 2018

Moved Back to China on 2020
Mike's books

The first book is a guide book on how to start a company and do business in Hong Kong.

The second book is about his various experiences and experiences after coming to China. It is a good reference book for foreigners who want to come to China.

The third book records his painful experience in starting a business as a Social Agent technology company in China. For foreigners who want to start a business in China, this book is a good reference.

The fourth book describes his process of incubating and operating cross-border e-commerce sellers. For those who want to learn how to do Amazon and how to do cross-border e-commerce, this book has a lot of practical experience.

Content Creator
Internet Geek and Writer
Cross Border Business Connector
Content Creator Machine
Prolific Podcaster, Blogger and Host
Passionate On Cross Border business
in the media

Cross Border Summit
Cross Border Summit is the annual conference that brings top business leaders from around the world to share their insights and experience how to optimize business in today‘s competitive world markets. The conference will be covering topics like Marketing tactics, staff management, cross-border payment settlement, logistics, warehousing, How to sell on Amazon, eBay, Tmall, JD and other major platform as well as the latest trends on cross-border E-Commerce.

Cross Border Matchmaker
The Cross Border Matchmaker (CBM), is an event connecting E-Commerce sellers and suppliers growing in the global market. CBM brings manufacturers, cross border E-Commerce sellers, product suppliers and major E-Commerce platforms together to seek cooperation and opportunities to grow their business.
Providing Hard Working People Global Trade Opportunities
Michael and his team want to empower those who want to make a better life for themselves and their families the ability to do so. On their own terms, online, from with any family background or passport.
Mike and the Shadstone Team’s Skills and Services:
Self Learner & Hungry
We’re not spoon fed in the company. We need to use our creativity and search our company handbook, search engines, video libraries, and ask the relevant person to get the answers we need.
Working Online
We trust our team. We allow them to work online, from anywhere, and measure based on results not hours in a desk at an office cubicle.
Teamwork & Collaboration
Communication is key. Our team works as one, sharing updates openly and tackling problems in an open and friendly environment.
Training for Amazon’s Operation and Practice
Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Brand Strategy, Growth, and Management
Development and Operation Services of Foreign websites
Leverage Creative Content, Win Internet Marketing and Obtain Continuous Traffic
Strategize Foreign New Media and Do Social Marketing
Our Team

Senior consultant, An American social media & E-Commerce & SEO specialist being China since late 2007 from Wall Street, he is a“Business Connector”

The business brains behind the operation. Wendy has ten years in mobile app marketplaces in China.

Our rockstar front end web designer. Coordinating client’s website optimization and user experience.

Our project manager ensuring client’s website SEO and growth projects are on track.

Social media and paid advertising guru, Edwin works with clients to ensure they are successful in their campaign.

Studying new SEO campaign tactics, he is always learning the next online course for online marketing.

Mark Anthony
Lead generation and overall nice guy. He will be connecting with various website operators to grow their reach and make deals.

Web designer and optimizing go to team member. Team player always learning new SEO tactics.

Our new freelancer writer helping with contentinvestments.com and other articles we need.

Our graphic designer helping with product photos but also with GFA when needed.

Our amazing audio / video editor for videos and podcasts and product shoots.

Our GFA Media and Events business dev and sales lead to help close bigger clients.

Our Amazon FBA ecommerce manager – overseeing the Sisitano brand and future brands.

Freelancer web designer/ developer. Helped us rebuild newyorkbarstore.com

Graphic designer helping with GFA media and events posters as well as packaging and backing up Alankar on product photos.

IT team. Our wordpress and PHP member for many sites.

WordPress security expert. Helping with PHP for portal.shadstone.com. Helped setup empire when we got spam attacked at globalfromasia.com so we can better oversee all our sites.

Creative director – Managing editor of GFA Media, blogging / content.

GFA TV video co-host – she has been on a few of our youtube videos.

Content Posting for GFA podcasts/ blogs. Our content producer, Sheryl keeps up on all our various properties web marketing and content production.

Our research associate for Amazon products and other type of deep research when needed.

Sales and business development specialist. Based in Mexico, he assists with marketing initiatives in the West.

Travel blogger, this girl loves to travel. From Asia, to USA, you can catch her traveling, blogging, and snapping photos. She helps with travel industry content.

SEO client services specialist. An attention to detail caring person, she treats each client as if they were the only client we had.

Entertainment writer. This guy is a natural writer, and can cover almost any topic. Enjoys infographic text and FAQ for technical writing, he can do it all.

Website development and assisting with the community side of things in the network of sites we have.

Enjoys digging through our massive sites and growing them, one post at a time.

Bookkeeping to best keep our multiple network of projects and clients in check and balanced.

Web designer and full stack developer. Joan knows how to keeps things on track, and fun at the same time.

Technical website developer. Can balance front end and back end development needs for our custom projects.

System admin, keeps the websites and forums we operate running smooth, while also smiling!

Talented web designer and graphic artist. He can work with a bunch of Wordpress themes and make magic happen.

Flexible web designer and photo rendering specialist. Count on him to learn, dive deep, and ask the questions you need to answer.

Event management and travel assisting for the team. Princess can learn on the fly, and enjoys getting on airplanes for events and travel blogging opportunities

Web designer, she can take an ugly site and turn it into an SEO friendly content machine.

Photo and event specialist. If you need unique photos, videos, and content for your business, this is the guy to talk to.
Strategic Partners and Advisors

Sales / business development manager – she really helps keep everything smooth.

Our CPA in Hong Kong. Also our business partner in a joint venture SEO project.

Client services and working closely with Maredith.
Michael & the Team Look Forward To Working With You
Take A Positive Step Towards Growing Your BusinessThank you for reading all the way through our “power hour” offering. If you are serious about growing your business in the right direction in cross-border business - Michael Michelini and his team are ready to work with you on that.

About Michael Michelini
Contact Mike
Twitter: @michelini
Facebook: facebook.com/michelini
Linkedin: Linkedin.com/in/mikemichelini